On the other hand, if your character is native to Brevoy and simply Nidalese in ethnicity, it makes a good deal of sense for your muse to be someone in Brevoy you feel you're doing a great service to as vassal. My bard's muse is Shelyn, and that is basically how I play it. In this case, your faith would be very strong and a major part of your character. Lastly, the Nidalese specifically worship her as a goddess of dreams, and starting a new kingdom is certainly an ambitious dream. A goddess of travel would suit you well, as you're a long way from home. Desna encourages her followers to express themselves through art and song, so many of her priests are bards. In addition to this, depending on whether or not your character is simply ethnically Nidalese (like Ulthun II) or also Nidalese in nationality, it would make sense for your muse to be Desna. Or if you want a more personal connection, speak with them about a possible Brevoy or First World individual who might have inspired you. Bizzare Beasts Boozer wrote: If you want to make your muse relevant to the campaign, then discuss with your GM, but I can imagine a kingmaker campaign where your settlement becomes renowned for its bardic college.